The average house price on PRIMROSE HILL GREEN is £197,542
The most expensive house in the street is 10 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN with an estimated value of £214,936
The cheapest house in the street is 32 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN with an estimated value of £177,955
The house which was most recently sold was 34 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN, this sold on 8 Dec 2023 for £190,500
The postcode for PRIMROSE HILL GREEN is LS26 8XP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £194,316 £53,000 30 Nov 2000
6 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £196,083 £125,000 11 Apr 2014
9 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Detached £202,313 £117,500 9 Mar 2012
10 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £214,936 £170,000 26 Jan 2018
30 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £203,219 £59,995 23 Jul 2001
32 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £177,955 £42,000 3 Sep 1999
34 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £196,539 £190,500 8 Dec 2023
40 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £185,535 £175,000 31 Jan 2022
42 PRIMROSE HILL GREEN Semi-Detached £206,983 £125,000 4 Jul 2008